Puuluup EE

Puuluup are true originals with a cult following, a pinch of surrealism, modern folklore and talharpa revival! The old and the new stick together like water and sleet in their zombie-folk oeuvre. The talharpas, represent memories and folklore, which becomes even richer due to the specific approach by Ramo Teder (also as a solo artist Pastacas) and Marko Veisson (also an anthropologist). They electronically modify the mellow sighs of this ancient whispering instrument and its limited tonal range, oscillating between traditional and modern, flirting with global genres, underground and pop, and driving the talharpa vibrations through effect blocks and loopers, setting off self-made echoes, knocks, squeaks and crabs. Their output is sometimes dancey, sometimes cinematic and dark, creeping from the chambers of ancient Vormsi island ghosts to filthy punk basements.

They have performed in almost every nook and corner of their homeland and from the Netherlands to China, from England to India and from the Czech Republic to Chile. Together with the band 5MIINUST, they even represented Estonia at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. This fall they’ll treat Narva with the infamous Veisson-stomp!