AveNova EE

20.09 23:15 – 00:00 Vaba Lava Lobby

AveNova is a Russian-language band with a unique character. Their roots lie in Russian rock music, but are decisively influenced by Narva’s position on the border of Estonia and Russia. The band’s frontman is Vladimir Tšerdakov of AveNue fame. At one point Vladimir realised that his new, serious texts also require a completely different kind of musical backing. Thus was born AveNova, a band that can be simultaneously described as electronic, rock or even experimental music. Along with fellow bandmembers Kirill Smirnov and Vladislav Lint, a clear decision was made to avoid copying any popular styles and follow their own creative vision instead. A phenomenon such as AveNova can only spring forth from such versatile grounds as that of border town Narva, situated on the meeting point of different cultures.